Friday, June 16, 2023

 Are you kidding? Young people should have nothing but contempt for baby boomers and the older generations.

- We plainly made college too expensive; there are no real careers; no labor protection; no job security; no affordable housing; no republic; no real democracy; no real due process; no fair legal system; no real effective government oversights; we have weak human rights; we keep hiring psychopaths and sociopaths to run corporations and government; we let stupid people buy houses and cars that they could not afford which jacked up the prices for everyone; we let corporations sell us out to flaky countries like China and Saudi Arabia. - Baby boomers knew or should have known that corporations and governments were bleeding our resources and we didn't have the strength of character or the integrity to stop them. As a baby boomer, I can say that the red flags were there. We were just too selfish and stupid to stop it.

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